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Class Profile | Hopkins-Nanjing Center

For over three decades the Hopkins-Nanjing Center has been at the forefront of education in and about China, and our thousands of alumni have gone on to influential roles across all sectors and around the world.

The student body makes up students in the one-year Certificate in Chinese and American Studies (including students who will continue their studies in the Johns Hopkins SAIS MAIR or SAIS Europe MAIA programs) and two-year Master of Arts in International Studies. 


Average Hopkins-Nanjing Center Student Body

Cohort Size 150
Chinese Students 100
International Students 50
Average Age 25
US Minority 15%
Countries Represented 10
Male / Female 45% / 55%        
GPA (middle 50% range) 3.30-3.77
GRE Verbal (middle 50% range) 157-166
GRE Quantitative (middle 50% range) 151–160